The Stiletto Formal is no stranger to the Arizona music scene. With two CDs under their belt and word of a third buzzing around the online community, we had to get the scoop. AZoverload did some snooping and found out that The Stiletto Formal was indeed working on a new CD. Doing pre-production here in the valley, but the plan was to actually record in Los Angeles with Grammy winning engineer/producer Darrell Thorp, who is known for his work with such bands as Radiohead, Beck, and Outkast.
An exciting new CD and co-headlining the Sunset Music Festival Saturday, August 11th at the Venue in Scottsdale, it’s no surprise that our boys are incredibly busy. With a bit of good luck, vocalist Kyle Howard filled us in via email:
What's going on with you?
At this exact moment, I'm at bar working on lyrics. For some reason being in a social setting that you're not apart of helps the writing process. And I get to watch dudes get shut down by drunk girls every few seconds, maybe I'm a douche, but I find it fun.
We heard you are working on a new cd. What can we expect?
Its the darkest record we've written, but still manages to keep pace. There's alot more classic rock and blues influence in this record. It's very diverse, but we hope to keep it coherent. We're writing in some space for guest vocals, and I'm extremely excited to see how that turns out. With a full length there's a lot more space to make things diverse.
Where did you record it and who helped with production/mixing?
Demo'd with Darrell Thorpe for a bit, and we're planning on doing the full record with him, we just have to figure out some behind the scenes stuff before we can actually get going. We're starting pre-production with Cory Spotts in a few days.
Is there a tentative release date?
Every time I try to ballpark one something happens and I get yelled at. So to keep my fragile psyche intact, I'm gonna hold off on predictions.
Anyone have any strange habits in the studio?
I get pissy and kick everyone out half the time. I don't multi-task well, so six voices in my headphones doesn't really work out too well. Pat plays in his underwear half of the time. But he does that at shows, so I don't know if that qualifies. Ohh, Sunny does that too, not live though.
Any weird occurrences/stories (in relation to recording)?
When we were doing the demos out in California we sort of neglected the need for a place to stay, I guess we just thought we'd figure it out. By the end of the first day, we realized that we were kinda screwed and decided to sleep in the van, trailer, and parking lot in the middle of Beverly Hills. When the security guard came to work in the morning and saw Jimi asleep in one of the parking spaces with just a sleeping bag and a half empty bottle of Jim Beam, he didn't take it too well. We didn't want to ask Darrell for a place to stay cause we didn't want to put him out, but after he heard that story he insisted. That was really cool on his part, because it really wasn't part of the deal, and he's used to working with Beck and Radiohead who can afford places to sleep. Not broke kids who are in awe of the studio we had the privilege to record in.
What other local band/musicians are you listening to?
Dear and the Headlights, Lydia, Awake and Alert
What are some of your favorite venues in the valley?
Modified, I like playing the Marquee. We've only played one song at Venue of Scottsdale for an award show, but that was pretty legit.
Tell us a little about the Sunset Festival?
To be quite honest, I really don't know any more about it than I do with most shows. I'm excited to play the venue and the people putting it on are really cool. We'll be playing some stuff of the new record (some of which for the first time) so I'm really excited about that. The bill is very diverse, so I'm excited/curious to see the dynamic.
What can we expect from you in the next few months?
Ha, I wish I knew. We're going on tour this fall, but every thing's not entirely confirmed. We're gonna be finishing up the record, at least the writing end of it. To be honest we're hoping to finally wrap up some stuff that we've been juggling for the past year. It's nice to have the solid lineup and a goal. After a couple of unexpected blows with members and business, it's nice to have a solid point of direction. I know that's vague, but I hope it at least partially answered the question.
While patiently waiting for the tentatively titled cd, “Renaissance”, you can purchase The Stiletto Formal's Latest "This Is My Boomstick" online at Stinkweed, Smartpunk, and Interpunk. You can also pick up your copy locally at Hoodlums or Zia Records.
Be sure to check out The Stiletto Formal LIVE Saturday August 11th at the Venue in Scottsdale with Chronic Future, The Lymbic System, The Cover Up, Desole, It’s Like Love, Miature Tigers, Attack of the Giant Squid, Thousand Yard Stare, The Morning Kennedy Was Shot, Micah Bentley, JD Stooks, Matthew Reveles, I’ve Been to Deluth, and Back Ted N Ted.